The Bird of Prey soon replaced the Klingon D-7 and the K'T'Inga class cruisers as the standard Klingon warship generally encountered by Starfleet during the Motion Picture era of Star Trek and even during TNG era it was an extremely common vessel probably produced in massive numbers given the inordinate amount of Birds of Prey encountered as opposed to other Klingon warships.

The Klingon Bird of Prey was first depicted during the Genesis incident in which it was instantly recognized by Sulu when decloaking, suggesting the vessel was already in service for some time by the time it made its appearance in Star Trek III. The earliest Bird of Prey shown lacked the cloaking device, but possessed the same characteristic head-body-wings design.( ENT, "The Expanse") In-universe, the modern Bird of Prey was the result of a design evolution extending back to the 22nd century. There is no mention of the class of these vessels, but the fact that they later engaged Cardassian capital ships - and Kor commanded a single Bird of Prey in a suicide attack on 10 Dominion fighters - suggests that this was a cruiser. During the Dominion War, an attack led by General Martok against a Dominion base on Trekla V shows Birds of Prey decloaking and strafing a base on the surface. There is one instance where cruisers may have exhibited atmospheric capabilities. The scout can safely enter a planet's atmosphere and land on the surface. The scout model has one feature that is not confirmed in the cruiser model. What role the various wing positions play is unknown, as the Birds of Prey have been observed to attack in all wing positions: raised above the hull, parallel to the hull, and down below the hull.

No similar distortion effect has been seen in any other cloaked Bird of Prey, which could indicate that Kruge's cloak was an inferior model or malfunctioning at the time. During the Genesis incident, the cloaking device on Kruge's vessel created a visible distortion effect, especially when the ship was in motion. Cloaking device - Every Bird of Prey is equipped with a cloaking device.Identical ships, under Ferengi control, were later identified as B'Rel-class in "Rascals".ĭespite the differences in size and combat role, all Klingon Birds of Prey share certain common features. The class was first identified as such by Wesley Crusher during an attack by three K'Vort-class cruisers on the Enterprise-D and Enterprise-C in "Yesterday's Enterprise". The cruiser model is a far heavier vessel designed to go toe-to-toe with Federation starships.
Klingon bird of prey 2152 movie#
The Bird of Prey in the movie novelization is described as a Klingon fighter. Sulu verified that the crew compliment as about a dozen. Pavel Chekov detected the Bird of Prey for a moment on the scanners before she cloaked and identified her as a "scout class vessel" ( Star Trek III: The Search for Spock).

The class was first encountered on screen during the Genesis Incident, when Captain Kruge took his Bird of Prey deep into Federation space and destroyed the USS Grissom and ambushed and crippled the USS Enterprise. It is a small, agile and very light craft with a crew between 12 and 36. The scout model bird of prey, sometimes erroneously referred to as the B'Rel class, was most frequently encountered during the TOS movie era and DS9. There are actually two distinct classes of Klingon Bird of Prey.